Monday, July 21, 2014

Book Miner - The Shapeshifters' Library: Released by Amber Polo - Chapter 8

qWe’re making good progress; now we’re on Chapter 8 of The Shapeshifters’ Library: Released by Amber Polo.


More dog books have gone missing, and Cutter discovers that the local book club devoted to werewolf fiction, made almost entirely of disgruntled former library employees, are being exclusionary to potential new members. Cutter kicks their group out of the library.
After that she has a brief discussion with Chronus in which they discuss life, again, and Chronus reveals a little more about himself.


So, you’re running a library, and you hear about book-burning werewolves, and you believe it, and you notice that a bunch of books about dogs, the sworn enemy of the werewolves, are mysteriously going missing, and you notice that a group of former library employees, all buddy buddy with the former director, who is a werewolf, all of whom like chain smoking, and all of whom have a multitude of other red flags indicating that THEY ARE STEALING THE DOG BOOKS, and you neglect to realize this? You must be totally preoccupied.
Also, you may be wondering by now: “Why aren’t the burglar alarms going off when somebody breaks into the library to steal books, as it’s obviously not those shapeshifting dogs who are doing it?” You get the answer here, because a few chapters ago, Harold Dinzelbacher didn’t approve it. That’s why!
You just didn’t know until now.
This is an indication of sloppy editing, in my humble opinion. Were this fact relevant, it probably should have been seeded during the infodump that was Harold Dinzelbacher’s rant against fire safety.
This is yet another chapter, sadly, that has more stuff take place in the past relative to the action on the page, than on the page itself. Yawn.

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