Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Roofing It Forward - Last Week To Vote!

I woke up this morning, and my allergies were killing me. That’s because I have a hole in my roof. Well, I actually have several holes in my roof. All of these holes were supposedly repaired by the person who sold me the house back in December. All of these holes were present since before I bought the house.
Why were my allergies killing me? Because of these holes, and the rain. And the mold. My walls are full of mold. Some of that mold was there before I bought the house. Some of it is new. Mold grows fast, so that’s not surprising. But the condition that created the mold was present before I purchased this house, and hidden by the seller, mostly by painting over the stains. The rest of the stains and other signs of neglect were hidden by the loads of junk they left in the house.
Every time we would open a closet, it would be filled with billowy curtains hanging on hangers. Moving these aside revealed brown stains on the walls.
Nevertheless, we got screwed. We got scammed. We were fleeced. And this was our first house. This is the house that we bought after living in apartments for 7.5 years, and then being homeless and living with family for 8 months. This was meant to be our paradise, and it’s been nothing but hell for since after 2 weeks in.
We can’t afford to fix it on our own. We need help. Fortunately, C&C Roofing has selected us as finalists to receive a new roof. If you’ve been following my blog, you probably also saw how I recently raised the stakes.
Now, it’s the last week to vote. I need your votes. To get you to vote, I included some sad pictures of my roof (reposted from my Google+). Please, please, please, please go to http://www.roofingitforward.com and vote for Amber Silvia. Please, please, please tell all your friends, family, and such. Please, please, please let’s put the Roof on the House, and #HelpAmberOut.
I promise that if I win, I will make more time for working on some awesome projects ranging from writing to software development.
I need every last vote (but please only vote once). Thank you so very much.
Only one layer of shingles.
"We fixed the leak in 2012."
See those white patches? Kilz Ceiling Stain-Sealing paint courtesy of the seller!

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